Élise Rogers

HonoUrs, Geography & Environmental Science, Saint Mary’s University

I am a third year Environmental Science and Geography student. I decided to pursue writing an honours thesis under the supervision of Dr. van Proosdij after discovering my passion for nature-based solutions to climate change and the importance of sediment characteristics and sediment composition. Last summer, I worked as a Living Shorelines Technician in the In_CoaST lab. This gave me the opportunity to learn about nature-based solutions and adaptations. I was also able to assist in many field excursions and gain knowledge about various sediment characteristics. Currently, I am working at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography as an Aquatic Science Technician, where I process and analyse sediment samples. These wonderful experiences have helped me achieve a deeper appreciation of the subject that I will be studying during my thesis. 

My research will involve understanding how the sediment composition changes throughout the growing season. I hope that it will be an important resource in providing background information to many members of the In_CoaST lab who will be conducting research in the future.