Case Study Collection

The Nature Based Coastal Solutions and Ecological Restoration Symposium is excited to share the Case Study Collection as a product of the event. The Case Study Collection is an opportunity to highlight the ongoing nature-based projects shared at the Symposium and the associated successes, challenges, and lessons learned. This is also an opportunity to promote the growth and development of an accessible network of diverse projects, through adding to the Engineering with Nature Project Mapper (ProMap) tool. This is an optional submission for both oral and poster presenters.

Projects submitted to the Collection will be showcased on this page following the event and linked to the project entry on the ProMap tool for further details and contacts.

What is the Engineering with Nature Project Mapping tool?

Engineering with Nature is an Initiative of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The EWN ProMap is an interactive geospatial map viewer for projects that fit within the EWN context of intentionally aligning natural and engineering processes to efficiently and sustainably deliver economic, environmental, and social benefits through collaboration.  ProMap brings together projects from multiple organizations worldwide that focus on producing efficiencies, using natural processes, broadening benefits, and promoting collaboration.

How to submit to the CAse Study Collection?

Both oral and poster presentations that highlight a completed or ongoing project as a Case Study may be included in the Collection, although we encourage the development of accompanying posters for oral presenters. The following guidelines are not required by all general Symposium poster/oral presenters but are for those who wish their projects to be included in the Case Study Collection.


Case Study Collection 2024

This collection will be available following the 2024 Symposium.

Stay tuned!